All posts tagged: Polar Loop 2

My Slimpod Journey

In January, I wrote about realistic plans and tools for getting fitter this year and I included two revolutionary (in my view) products: the Polar Loop 2 and the Slimpod Gold. I have found both products nothing short of amazing in the past month, as they both continued to motivate my weight loss and promote my self-esteem. If you have been on any weight loss program, as I have been previously so many times, you know that motivation starts to wane around week two, as deprivation of nutrition kicks in. These two act totally different to a weight loss program as the accent with both is on movement and choices, rather than depriving yourself of food. My Polar Loop 2 keeps me in check daily. I find myself consciously moving more as I am eager to clock in the 12,000 steps I need to be doing each day. I have felt an incredible sense of pride last night when I checked my activity tracker charts and saw that in the past two weeks I have …

Realistic plans and tools for getting fitter in 2016

Since losing Georgie, I lost my zest for life and last year was all about pure and raw survival. All I managed to do, on a daily basis, was getting Emma up, dressed, fed and the house tidy; dinner cooked and myself washed. I had very little energy for self care due to not sleeping well at night and constant headaches during the day, all because of crippling grief and emotional pain. Due to the lack of motivation, which led to a crass lack of exercise and binging on comfort food on a regular basis, I started accumulating weight which in a year and a half ended up being almost two stones (10 kilos). Although this second Christmas was not easy by any means, it did feel a little bit more manageable as it was something I knew I would be able to survive, since I had done it in 2014. I also found myself wishing to decorate the house a bit more, not only to keep a sense of normality for Emma but for …