All posts tagged: Toddlers

Potty training in two days!!

Okay, it should read one actually because she stayed dry till evening when she needed a poo but daddy was in the toilet and mummy was busy downstairs. She tried to let us know but a long habit of doing it in her pants won over. Anyway… Yes, my toddler is potty trained!! She’s two and four months. Some would say I should have done it sooner, some books advocate toddler led potty training and advise leaving it till the toddler is nearly three. Any mum out there with a bit of sense about herself would tell you that it will happen…when it happens! We have had several unsuccessful attempts before but we never made a big deal of them. I thought she will learn one day and it’s no point making her feel rubbish just because she’s not ready yet. You see, I don’t believe in “one rule suits all” or guilt trips. They are set by people who have nothing better to do with their time: childless nannies, busy body grannies…etc. I believe …

What’s haven for Mama’s Haven?

I’d love to say that I am sporty and I go running, swimming and Zumba dancing regularly…But I’m not sporty, I can’t run more than 90 second intervals and 15 minutes in total on a treadmill, I can’t swim and the first(and last) time I went for a Zumba class I almost had an apoplexy. So how do I relax and stay healthy? Thank goodness, hubby has been into super healthy eating since baby was born(as he explains now, he needed a project himself, since I had mine:raising the baby!) so I haven’t had many opportunities to pig out and pile up the weight. At the end of the day, I’m the one doing all the super healthy cooking! I enjoy cooking, theoretically and it used to relax me. I say it “used to” because almost a year ago baby went through a phase when she refused anything to eat except, well…crap food. I started to stress out so much that every meal time became a nightmare. She’s past the exclusive junk phase but I …