Education, Parenting
Comments 11

Potty training in two days!!

Okay, it should read one actually because she stayed dry till evening when she needed a poo but daddy was in the toilet and mummy was busy downstairs. She tried to let us know but a long habit of doing it in her pants won over. Anyway…

Yes, my toddler is potty trained!! She’s two and four months. Some would say I should have done it sooner, some books advocate toddler led potty training and advise leaving it till the toddler is nearly three. Any mum out there with a bit of sense about herself would tell you that it will happen…when it happens! We have had several unsuccessful attempts before but we never made a big deal of them. I thought she will learn one day and it’s no point making her feel rubbish just because she’s not ready yet.

You see, I don’t believe in “one rule suits all” or guilt trips. They are set by people who have nothing better to do with their time: childless nannies, busy body grannies…etc. I believe in getting to know your toddler so well that you actually recognise when they’re ready for the next step. Some are ready sooner, some later, that’s all.

I was given the responsibility to raise my child into an independent and confident adult and every decision I make regarding her will be reflected in the future. And boy, is she proud of herself these days!! A new-found and so-refreshing-to-see confidence she wouldn’t have had, had I forced her into potty training before she was ready. She can assume responsibility for it now and it’s great to be able to enable my child in this manner!

Many thanks to her nursery, they were patient and supportive and helped this experience to be a total success.

I am now on the lookout for signs of readiness for moving into a big girl bed, so exciting!!


  1. Irinka says

    If your kid mimes other family members’ behaviour in the toilet, and is interested in what’s happening there, it means that she is ready for potty training, and also, when kid can follow your instructions. 🙂

    • Yes, Irinka, that’s how it all started, indeed! Then she saw all her friends using a potty/sitting on the toilet so the sense of achievement is great, now that she can do it herself!xx

  2. Well done Oana an Emma! I am sure you are a proud mummy as you should be.Its a great achievement and a step closer to independence. I got my boys to use the toilet straight away, they’ve never used the potty, but then they were that bit older and it went ok.;-)

    • I am proud of her indeed, Iva, as you can imagine! Yes, I think the next step will be a big girl’s bed but I’m gonna wait for that one a while yet until she masters the toilet skills to perfection. We had a wee accident again today so I don’t want too many things on her plate at once.

  3. Congrats Oana! We’re opposite: my almost two-and-a-half has been in a toddler bed for a while (no choice there—he climbed out of this crib!) but is still not potty trained. We got lucky a few days ago and sat him down on the potty and some pee came out. But that’s about as potty trained as we got!

    • Oh well, not to worry, it will come at the right time. Give him praise every time he does a pee and he will come to associate it with it!

  4. Ionela says

    Oana, ai dreptate in ceea ce priveste maturizarea copilului. Si eu vad la Filip ca atunci cand este pregatit pt un lucru nou, un aliment nou, etc, cere singur. La inceput ma panicam, influentata de spusele/temerile bunicii, dar am invatat sa nu mai dau atentie si sa-i dau timp copilului. Unele lucruri vin de la sine odata cu varsta potrivita.

    • Asa e, Ionela, nimic nu e bine cind e fortat :-). Si e mult mai usor si pentru mamica, cum zici, ca nu mai este stresul ala permanent, sa faci ce “trebuie”.

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