All posts tagged: Christmas

Sweet Gifts for Her at Christmas

Hotel Chocolat, the luxury chocolate brand, doesn’t need any introduction whatsoever. When it comes to flavoursome, created with the intention to spoil chocolate there are hardly any rivals on the market. Its excellent quality, the refined yet bold combinations point to a winner every single time. For the chocolate lover, it is the ultimate treat, the one we dream of when contemplating possible Christmas gifts. To our loved ones and let’s admit it, to ourselves! We all know too well the haggard, lost expression men get when considering possible gifts for the special ladies in their lives. This Christmas I decided to show grace and spare possible meltdowns (on both sides of what could easily become a barricade, and not of love, mind you!)  and point any lost (for ideas!) gentlemen in the right direction when it comes to the dreaded gifts for her. And why would I suggest chocolate, I hear you ask? Well, first of all, because chocolate is soothing to the senses. Hotel Chocolat have created a Christmas range which is appealing …

Luxurious Christmas presents with a difference

I told you the other day, this is going to be one interesting month here, on the blog, as I have so many gorgeous products to tell you about! We all have at least one special person in our lives for whom buying the right Christmas present always proves a challenge. Not necessarily because they are fussy with what they like and prefer but because we love them so much, we want to present them with that unique, special gift that conveys our message of love and appreciation to them! So I thought of putting together a few ideas of Christmas presents that would communicate a message of lavish love to those special people in our lives: 1. Handmade, locally produced gorgeousness Etsy is the perfect place to start looking for one of a kind, personalised presents that are guaranteed to enchant. Mel, a lovely friend I met through the wonderful world of blogging, and with whom I forged a strong friendship that comes from love of books and shared experiences and worldviews, has launched …

Christmas Gift Guide: Best Children’s Magazines

I was planning to hold on with my Christmas gift posts until the first of November but I have so many beautiful things we have been reviewing lately and am itching to tell you about and so many lovely gift ideas have been suggested to us that I am caving in! I am starting this year’s gift idea blog series with a less obvious Christmas present idea for a child, as I am sure there will be plenty of toy gift guides out there to pick and choose from! One of the things I will be getting Emma this year is a magazine subscription, as this is the sort of present I know she would really appreciate and it is something that will keep on giving long after the festive wrapping paper has been scrunched up and recycled and the mince pies been eaten! Emma is an inquisitive (very nearly!) six year old who LOVES facts and I think she would love getting the ECO Kids (the magazine I have in mind for her) in …

Grief is…

…a whirlpool, we were told in counselling last week. It sucks you in, when you least expect it and it spits you out, exhausted and drained. …a maze, out of which you never quite manage to emerge, I read. You pass from one chamber to another, sometimes chased, just like in the Maze Runner, not by a griever but by Grief. Sometimes you crawl through it, from one chamber to another and back again where you started: shock, anger, acceptance, pain, shock, anger… …anger plus despair plus pain plus loneliness. All at once, on any given day. …a loud banging-like noise in your head that deafens you to any other noises of this world. All you feel like doing is shout back. But at whom? And to what effect? …never knowing how to play your emotions. Play them down and they come flooding over, like a tsunami, when you least expect it. Play them up and people drain away from you, like water off the surface of dry, parched up land. Grieving emotions are inconvenient …

Santa Letters

Just like any other five year old, Emma loves Santa. I have blogged about how we introduced Santa in our family and about how we have tried to reconcile the idea of Santa with that of Jesus‘ birthday and celebration. Last year we used this beautiful image I had found online to explain to Emma that Santa doesn’t have to replace Jesus: This year Emma has been asking more questions about Santa and a couple of times she has even asked me if he is real. I feel uncomfortable telling her fibbs so instead I kept saying to her that he is God’s helper and that he is bringing gifts that God has for her. Emma also wrote her first letter to Santa this year, with daddy’s help, asking for a “guitar, my size” and about Georgie’s whereabouts in Heaven. Too sweet!! This morning, Santa replied to her letter, via the Lapland Mailroom! Back in October, the elves in Lapland were looking for mummy bloggers to review their Santa letter service and we happily volunteered! …